It’s time for a change in Valley
politics. No longer can we blindly vote for whoever is in the red rosette just
because they are Labour and “We always vote Labour". The inevitability and the apathy created by
Labour flourishing in the Valleys have led to the area falling to economic ruin
and increasing deprivation. Labour has had a stranglehold in Local Government,
in Welsh Assembly and General Election in the valleys for decades and yet can
anyone name 3 things that they have done to specifically improve the area? If
you are a Labour supported truly ask yourself if what they have done and are
doing is right or even ethical. This is supposed to be the party of the working
people, but I fear that party died some time ago and the husk that’s left is unpalatable.
All you need to do is look at the RCTCBC Labour Cabinet’s actions and the culture
that has been allowed to fester within the Council on their watch.
With confirmed cuts from Phase 1
of RCTCBC’s amounting to £7.6m at the expense of children, the frail, the vulnerable and the isolated. The Labour
controlled cabinet has become that which all Labour supports loath, a reincarnation
of the Thatcherite ideology of penalising those already in poverty and
deprivation. Many taxpayers outside of the Council, and indeed many within, are
unaware of the colossal scale of monetary waste allowed thanks to a culture on
zero accountability and scrutiny. I therefore have felt the need to bring to
the attention of the public some examples of the corrupt nature of those in
Senior Management and the Cabinet, the cronyism, managerial negligence and the
financial waste within the council. I have tweeted many examples of this over
the last week with some interesting responses.
It is an interesting thought that
in both phases we have seen in documentation that all departments will have a
root and branch review and yet we hear nothing, no outcomes, no changes and
instead we must carry the burden of poor leadership and financial mismanagement
within the Cabinet and at Senior Officer level. It is time the people of the Borough
brought those in power to account and make them carry out the role that they
were elected for. A council is there to provide a service to the public and
those in need, not to have jobs for the boys and some incompetent members of
staff building up a large pension pot.
I therefore propose an
alternative to the Cabinet’s Machiavellian cuts impose by the Labour cabinet
that will beat the savings the attempted to save in phase 1 and will not affect
front line services:
1. Reduction
of Senior Officers earning over £60000 from 79 to 30 – £3.65m
2. Removal
of Mayoral and Cabinet car hire - £476k
3. Reduction
in PR Department and cessation of Outlook - £800k
4. All
Principal Officer staff to have fixed term contracts and extensions based on
performance - £900k
5. Single
Councillor for wards with a population 4000 or under 0 £182k
6. Cessation
of Learning Pool Project - £300k
7. Outsourcing
of IT Functions, Servers, Comms. etc - £1.35m
Saving = £7.65m
Would any taxpayer protest
against these? I doubt it.
I totally agree.